Wednesday 12 July 2017

T-Minus 7 Days

There is a week to go before the Last Great Adventure.

Stress levels in Shoesville have gone through the roof. Phrases like 'Feels like we're being held to ransom' and 'Why are all solicitors a worthless bunch of c***s' have become as common as 'Good morning'. We're still waiting for the final Ts to be crossed and that might not happen until the last minute... There could be a point on Wednesday July 19 when everything falls apart and we're left here with thousands of pounds worth of unnecessary debt and a feeling of egg on our faces even if it was beyond our control.

Anyone who knows me will know my mantra since the turn of the year has been 'This is Hell and we can't leave' and I will continue to believe this until I pull into Newton Stewart about this time next week and pick up the keys to the Wigtown house.

If that happens, we can both look forward to enjoying the Wigtown Food Festival, which happens the weekend after we move in. If it doesn't happen, I will be locked in my empty office, staring at the blank walls and wondering if this really is hell...